Friday, September 9, 2011

How to help your kids with raw veggies?

Since I have started oil free, reduced processed stuff, I moved on to more raw food. However, with kids, it is challenge.
Here are few things that I learned and works for me....
  1. Do not expect miracles. It took me a while to get used to raw taste so it will take some time (and a lot of love and patience form your part) for kids to get used to eat raw.
  2. Talk to them why you are serving raw food.
  3. Start little and at home and when they are hungry.
  4. Serve food in course (first serving is always raw salad).
  5. I add their favorite fruits in there green salad to make up for no dressing (dressing is usually only lemon juice)
  6. For zucchini and broccoli etc, I chop them really fine to add to beans. This way, it helps them with their small mouth.
  7. Respect their request about food. I pack raw fruits, no veggies for their school and after care. I usually pack food that they like (bean salad with 5 chips, ). I do not pack veggies as my son mention that he does not want to eat veggies in school (My potato sabji is not veggie in his mind).
  8. I always serve raw along with something they like ( I am lucky that they love a lot of healthy stuff which is very low in fat/sugar)
  9. Have few varieties of homemade dip and sauce for them to try. Some days they love hummus but some days they do not like it.
  10. And sometimes you have to let it go…
Recently, I had a guest with 8 yr old boy. My kids are in same age group and while they were having ‘green shake’, the other boy asked ‘How can you drink this? It looks so yuck’. My son responded ‘Don’t say that. It looks ok and it makes me strong form inside.’

What works for your kids?

Thursday, September 8, 2011

raw food

I was reading, healthygirlskitchen  I am learning to enjoy raw food, I am beginning to like raw veggies.
Easiest way is definitely smoothie, but now I am in second grade :)  I eat raw broccoli with hummus (or eggplant dip)

I am obsessed with cooked veggies and I need my spice kick, I make Potato-tomato sabji (similar to your potato-eggplant preparation) and I add raw broc to it on the side. This way, I get my raw stuff along with spicy stuff.
I make dips and sauces at home without oil, so I do not feel bad for eating one cup of eggplant dip with 7 florets.

Another things works with my kids is that when I make brown rice (or pasta), I mix raw veggies with hot spicy rice (or pasta). This way, veggies do get a bit warm but then everyone in family eats it. On my plate, you have to search for grain with microscope though

I have seen significant improvement in my kids ability to handle season issues (fever, flu) etc since we increased raw food consumption, 3 years ago. We started with fruits and later we added more and more veggies.

Also, I think early training for kids helps a lot as well. Recently, a friend made mac-chees for my kids and my son was extremely surprised to know that you can make mac-cheese without green tree (broccoli). He never had mac-cheese without raw broc.

I do have issue with social pressure. In general I am considered ‘stone hearted mom’ who deprives simple pleasure of everyday food to my kids (yes, no muffin, cakes etc for them due to egg). But you have to take these out to develop 

taste for bitter greens. But I hope my kids will be wise enough to understand that skipping golden arch is no big deal.

Look forward to read comments on  healthygirlskitchen blog

Tuesday, September 6, 2011

6 week challenge

In past 10 years, I gained 25 lbs.

I never liked SAD food and I used to eat lacto vegetarian diet (except that cooking oil was so cheap in US that I think I started to overuse it).
Worst part of this weight gain was that I thought it is natural. I am already eating very healthy food and it is part of aging process (to get fat) and motherhood.
I had really high triglyceride (wheat and rice and large portion size)
In back of my mind, I was bothered by my extra weight but had no strong resolve. I tried for a week or so few times but would give up very soon.
In beginning of this year, I got smart phone. I started to read many blogs related to food, well being etc.
First four months I was blown away by information shared by various doctors and bloggers. Intellectually I knew that I need to do something but blogs finally motivated me enough to move on from my previous experience of fear of failure.
I started to incorporate more and more raw food in diet. I would loose weight very fast but I can easily gain 5 lbs on Saturday party food.

As I started to learn more about my body, I started to work with my family as well. I am fortunate that I do not have any health issues in my family and I would like to keep it that way.
In past 3 to 4 months, I lost only 15 lbs, but my lipid panel report shows much better numbers.
My kids drink green smoothie at least 3 to 4 times per week.
Our salad consumption is gone up 4 times and oil consumption is gone way down.

I am happy with progress we made as whole family.
My typical day has no grain or oil till 6 pm. During dinner, I do eat very little wheat or rice (2 or 3 spoons) .
My only problem is that I want to eat after 9 pm (some fried snack).
I have these snacks for kids (school, day care)./ these are healthy crackers or bars, but they are still something that I should not eat.

I am participating in this 6 week challenge to get rid of 10 lbs and that will put me in my ideal weight range.
In addition to all the blogs I follow and read, I also stumbled upon this book.  Does anyone else know about “Dr. Richard Fleming”?
Please do share your experience and story.